Cupping Therapy

Cupping is an ancient healing technique with roots in China, the Middle East, and Africa that utilizes negative pressure (suction) to lift and decompress muscle, fascial, and connective tissues. My goal with the cups is for the treated area(s) to feel more open and mobile.


 So, like, how does it work?

I typically use the cups in addition to massage. After massaging an area that needs more or different attention, I will place a few cups in that same area, then move on to the next part of the session. The cups allow me to be more efficient in shorter sessions. A lot of bodies seem to benefit from the variety of positive and negative pressures, in my experience.

When you receive cupping therapy, soft tissue is lifted into the cup and the suction encourages blood flow to the area. Cupping may also help soften scar tissue with consecutive sessions.

Negative pressure can engage the parasympathetic nervous system for some clients, easing anxiety and allowing the body to rest.

Cupping therapy can feel relaxing and satisfying or mildly uncomfortable, similar to a deep tissue massage, but instead of pushing the tissue into the body it is being pulled up and away. Sensitivity varies person to person and can also vary on different areas of the body. Communication is important! Cupping therapy does not need to be painful. The amount of suction and oil used can be adjusted to fit your comfort level. Cups may move along or across muscle fibers, mimicking a skin rolling feeling, or left stationary. Each cupping session is unique to your needs. Relief may be felt immediately or a day or two after the session. A follow up session may be booked once the cupping marks have faded.

While cupping marks may sometimes look like bruises, they are petechia. The marks may last a few hours to a few weeks. While cupping marks are not typically painful, they may feel tender for a few hours after the session. The marks vary greatly person to person and cannot be guaranteed to be dark or light. Take care to communicate any expectations or concerns during intake, ie: upcoming wedding, photo shoot, just waxed/shaved, sunburnt, illness… cupping therapy can exacerbate illness and irritate freshly shaven, waxed, or sunburnt skin.